Virtual Earth Month – National Pet Day
Happy #NationalPetDay! As you celebrate your furry family, consider these quick tips to help shrink your pet's carbon paw-print this #VirtualEarthMonth! #AtHomeActivism #EarthDayEveryDay
In 2014, Emory University became the first campus in the nation to adopt a comprehensive pollinator protection plan, which bans the use of neonicotinoids – a group of pesticides contributing to decline in pollinator species. To celebrate Pollinator Protection Month, learn how to plant home gardens that support pollinators rather than unintentionally harm them.
Happy #NationalPetDay! As you celebrate your furry family, consider these quick tips to help shrink your pet's carbon paw-print this #VirtualEarthMonth! #AtHomeActivism #EarthDayEveryDay
As a part of Emory's #virtualearthmonth, we are highlighting organizations who were planning to participate in Emory's on-campus Earth Festival this year. Learn more about these #earthmonthleaders throughout April. EarthShare Georgia connects people to trusted non-profit organizations dedicated to conserving and protecting our air, land and water. EarthShare Georgia raises funds primarily through workplace-giving partnerships with more … Continue Reading →
In 2018, a proposed rule was submitted to change the criteria for research the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would rely on when making regulatory decisions. The "Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science" rule would restrict the agency's use of studies that rely on confidential human health data. If passed, the EPA would ask researchers to share … Continue Reading →
Get in, we’re going shopping! But before we do, we need to plan. Project Drawdown ranks reducing food waste as the third most significant strategy for reducing global greenhouse gas emissions, and in the U.S., over 30% of edible food is wasted by consumers and retailers. To help: 1. Learn from the U.S. Department of Agriculture how best … Continue Reading →
As a part of Emory's #VirtualEarthMonth, we are highlighting organizations who were planning to participate in Emory's on-campus Earth Festival this year. Learn more about these #EarthMonthLeaders throughout April. Young Democrats of Emory is committed to educating students about a variety of issues, registering voters, supporting Democratic candidates in local, state, and federal elections, and inviting candidates to campus … Continue Reading →
On this day in 2015, the WaterHub at Emory began reclaiming up to 400,000 gallons of sewer water to use for utilities purposes each day, reducing the University's total water use by almost 40%! Since then, thousands of visitors have toured the facility and millions of gallons of water have been reclaimed, reducing the burden … Continue Reading →
We all rely on water every day, and our actions can directly impact our community's water quality and water usage. Luckily, there is much we can do at home to protect our watersheds! 1. Run only full loads in the dishwasher and washing machine. 2. Fix any leaky toilets and faucets. 3. #Keepwipesoutofpipes! As well … Continue Reading →
Emory Healthcare is working tirelessly to support and heal patients in the Atlanta community, and right now they have called for our support. Their staff is only as strong as the community behind them. We all can increase their resilience by giving what we can to their work and to them as people. You can … Continue Reading →
As a part of Emory's #VirtualEarthMonth, we are highlighting organizations who were planning to participate in Emory's on-campus Earth Festival this year. Learn more about these #EarthMonthLeaders throughout April. Milner Inc has committed to helping customers reduce paper output through a combination of software and best business practices. Milner has been an active participant in Emory’s sustainability program as … Continue Reading →
Please join the Department of Environmental Sciences for the final seminar in the spring 2020 ENVS Seminar Series on Friday, April 17th, at 10:00 a.m. EDT. Professor Carla Roncoli will present “The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Water Resource Management: A case study from Burkina Faso (West Africa)” Dr. Roncoli is the Program Director for … Continue Reading →