Make Your Personal Sustainability Pledge
While the University has committed itself to achieving overall sustainability, it will take the active participation of the entire Emory community to pitch in, turn off, conserve and re-evaluate daily habits for Emory to realize its vision.
We invite you to pledge your efforts to address energy, sustainable food, water conservation, green space, commuting, recycling, and other sustainability issues when at Emory and at home.
My Information
Please provide your information below and we will calculate and record your pledge.
Welcome Back!
Based on your pledged commitments, your total CO2 savings is:
Based on the efforts you are already doing, your total CO2 savings is:
Thank you for making a personal sustainability pledge.
Your individual contribution makes a big difference in helping Emory reach its sustainability goals.

And, this CO2 savings will be in addition to your current efforts. Based on what you are already doing, your current total CO2 savings is tons. Be sure to renew your pledge each semester. We will store your data so you can keep adding to your total – and the total savings for the Emory community as a whole.
Now that you have taken the pledge, please encourage three friends to take it.
1. This calculator estimates greenhouse gas emissions in terms of carbon dioxide equivalents on the basis of each greenhouse gas’ global warming potential using standard protocols. The focus of the calculator is carbon dioxide since the other greenhouse gases represent a much smaller percentage of emissions associated with each pledge activity.
These calculations are based on a series of assumptions–learn more about how your carbon dioxide and related equivalencies were determined using the EPA calculator.