June is Pollinator Protection Month!

In 2014, Emory University became the first campus in the nation to adopt a comprehensive pollinator protection plan, which bans the use of neonicotinoids – a group of pesticides contributing to decline in pollinator species. To celebrate Pollinator Protection Month, learn how to plant home gardens that support pollinators rather than unintentionally harm them.

Virtual Earth Month – Replace Meat & Dairy

#replace: Did you know that the meat- and dairy-centric Western diet contributes to about 1/5 of global emissions? One way we can help reduce these emissions, and also live a healthier lifestyle, is by transitioning to plant-rich diets—Project Drawdown’s  number 3 solution to global warming. Whether you chose to fully commit to a vegan or … Continue Reading →

Virtual Earth Month – Emory Transportation & Parking Services Feature

As a part of Emory's #VirtualEarthMonth, we are highlighting organizations who were planning to participate in Emory's on-campus Earth Festival this year. Learn more about these #EarthMonthLeaders throughout April. Emory Transportation and Parking Services (TPS) is committed to supporting the overall sustainability goals and strategies of Emory University and Emory Healthcare. Through a number of programs and services, … Continue Reading →

Virtual Earth Month – Reengage Civically

#reengage: In response to the current global crisis, many states have delayed elections or allowed citizens to vote by mail with extended deadlines. Georgia’s primary elections have been postponed until June 9th, which means you must submit your absentee ballot request no later than May 11! Especially now, voting by mail can help ensure that … Continue Reading →


Oxford Farm Spring CSA Delivery

The Oxford College Organic Farm Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) membership program provides: Fresh, certified organic produce grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers A wide variety of in-season food grown at the Oxford College farm, including unique varieties and heirloom vegetables Newsletter featuring garden updates and farmer musings, with recipe suggestions and advice on … Continue Reading →

SDG Training Module Showcase

RSVP here: https://tinyurl.com/SDGshowcaseRSVP Join us for a virtual showcase celebrating the launch of the SDG Online Training Modules. There will be presentations from the SDG Fellows and partners featured in the modules. A link to the virtual showcase (using BlueJeans software) will be sent out to the email you RSVP with. Please RSVP by Monday … Continue Reading →