ENVS Fall Seminar Series
"Preventing Pandemics and Saving Species: Disease Ecology is Where Biodiversity Conservation and Global Health Collide " Tom Gillespie,Associate Professor, ENVS Zoom link/password: 476502
Atlanta is one of the largest municipalities on one of the smallest watersheds in the nation. We are a region of droughts and floods, coupled with old sewer infrastructure and high water rates. Going forward, efforts to use water more consciously will require commitment from students, faculty, staff, visitors and others – and that commitment will make a difference locally for years to come.
"Preventing Pandemics and Saving Species: Disease Ecology is Where Biodiversity Conservation and Global Health Collide " Tom Gillespie,Associate Professor, ENVS Zoom link/password: 476502
Equitable Dinners: Lift Every Voice is a series of online conversations, featuring guest speakers on a range of topics, and launched by a short play. Equitable Dinners: Lift Every Voice … Continue Reading →
September 22nd is National Voter Registration Day! To celebrate, join the Emory Votes Initiative, the Center for Civic & Community Engagement at Emory, the President’s Office, and members of the … Continue Reading →
Hear from an esteemed panel of experts as we prepare for life after the eventual peak of Covid-19 outbreaks. Learn what our new priorities will likely look like, what strategies … Continue Reading →
OSI’s Incentives Funds applications are still open for the 2020-2021 funding cycle! OSI offers funding opportunities to empower the Emory community to implement new ideas and research that supports innovation, … Continue Reading →
Please join the Partnership for Southern Equity to build “Power for the People” at the virtual 2020 Just Energy Summit from September 28 - October 2! Partnership for Southern Equity, Just Energy … Continue Reading →
Are you tired of hearing bad news? Do you want some good news about what is happening across the region and in the RCE? Join the RCE Greater Atlanta Monday, … Continue Reading →
Supporting the local foodshed is more important than ever. Join Bon Appétit Management Company’s Eat Local Challenge and enjoy a meal made entirely of foods grown within 150 miles of … Continue Reading →
Join the most produced U.S. playwright Lauren Gunderson 03C and Broadway star Ari Afsar for a 20-minute virtual performance of their musical JEANNETTE on Tuesday, September 29 at 7 p.m. … Continue Reading →
The Emory Alumni Association and the Barkley Forum for Debate, Deliberation, and Dialogue will be hosting a series of conversations the day after each of the Presidential (and one Vice … Continue Reading →