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Emory University strives to integrate sustainability into every aspect of student life. Find resources, events, and opportunities to learn, lead, and live a sustainable life at Emory.

Acknowledging the ancestral peoples and land

Emory’s Office of Sustainability Initiatives acknowledges the Muscogee (Creek) people who lived, worked, produced knowledge on, and nurtured the land where Emory’s Oxford and Atlanta campuses are now located. The Muscogee people were forcibly removed from states like Georgia and Alabama during the Trail of Tears relocation (1830-1838), a shameful part of our history when the federal government forced Indigenous peoples across the region to leave their ancestral homes. In 1836, Emory University was founded on part of this land. It is important for us to acknowledge, honor, and respect the land we now call home; to further recognize the inherent intersections between Indigenous rights, sustainability, and the environment; and to continue to strive for justice and recognition for Indigenous communities. 

Read Emory’s official Land Acknowledgement and learn more here.





Helpful Documents and Links for Current and Prospective Students

Title Initiative Type Description
2023 Climate Solutions Fellow Job Description
2023 Energy and Water Report, , , , Documents & ReportsEach year, Campus services produces an energy and water report describing Emory's progress against its goals to reduce its energy and water consumption.
Emory’s 2023 Climate Action PlanDocuments & ReportsEmory's most recent climate action plan offers recommendations to guide Emory on its path to net neutrality by 2050.
Emory’s Climate Commitments: Summary and ImplementationDocuments & ReportsThis memorandum summarizes the commitments that Emory made in 2021, Emory’s history of implementation, the next steps for implementation, and relevant resources and contacts for each commitment.
Farmer’s Market Internship: Spring 2025Documents & ReportsEmory’s Office of Sustainability is seeking an intern to work on the Farmers Market program.
FY2021 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Full Report, , , , , Documents & ReportsEmory regularly evaluates its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, or carbon footprint, in order to monitor its efforts to reduce emissions to net-zero by 2050 through strategies that entail targeted mitigation, behavior change, clean and renewable energy sources, and new innovations. GHG emissions reporting began in FY10, with 2005 as the original baseline year, and subsequent inventories have been conducted in 2013, 2014, 2016, 2019, and 2021.
General Sustainability Intern: Spring 2025Documents & ReportsEmory’s Office of Sustainability Initiatives (OSI) is seeking qualified students to participate in our student internship program. OSI relies on the work of students for research, data collection and analysis, benchmarking, implementation, and outreach in all areas of sustainability. Based on students’ interests and OSI’s needs, General Sustainability Interns work on a variety of projects and programs that span all OSI’s mission areas (Academics, Biodiversity & Landscapes, Buildings, Climate & Air, Energy, Food & Dining, Purchasing, Social Justice, Transportation, Waste, Water, and Wellbeing) that are deployed across Emory University campuses and Emory Healthcare locations.
Graduate and Professional Student Sustainability Guide 2023
Graduate Student Sustainability Guide 2024Documents & ReportsSustainability Guide for Emory graduates.
Oxford Student Sustainability Guide 2023
Recycling and Composting at Emory UniversityGuidesLandfills have negative social, economic, and environmental impacts on neighboring lower-income, historically disadvantaged communities. Landfills contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and can leak harmful toxins into the surrounding environment. Learn about recycling and composting at Emory with this helpful brochure!
Spring 2024 OSI Farmers Market Internship Job Description and Application InstructionsDocuments & ReportsA job description for students interested in applying as a "Famers Market" intern for spring 2024. Includes application instructions.
Spring 2024 OSI General Internship Job Description and Application InstructionsDocuments & ReportsA job description for students interested in applying for a "General" OSI internship for spring 2024. Includes application instructions.
Student Sustainability Showcase Virtual Guide 2024GuidesUse this virtual guide to explore opportunities to get involved with sustainability at Emory, then pursue those which most interest you. Take part in our campus culture of sustainability by participating in an OSI program, joining a sustainability-related student organization, and/or exploring Emory's academic offerings in the disciplines of the environment and sustainability!
Summer 2023 Communications and Marketing Intern Description
Summer 2023 General Sustainability Intern Description
Undergraduate Student Sustainability Guide 2023
Zero Waste Ambassadors Charge Fall 2022- Spring 2023Documents & ReportsThe ZWAs are a group of student, faculty, and staff volunteers, who are actively willing to champion waste management and reduction in all areas of the Emory experience. They strive to promote a culture at Emory that prioritizes reducing and diverting waste in all decisions that we make as individuals and as a community. You can read more about specific goals of the program this year in the charge.