Presenting the Blakey Lab – A Gold Certified Green Lab!
By Ramsey Baden | July 29, 2018 Discovery is part of the fabric of chemistry at Emory, and Dr. Simon Blakey’s lab pushes for discovery every day. Some of his team’s … Continue Reading →

Sisterhood of the Traveling Dining Hall
Todd Doyle | July 18, 2018 Author’s note: This is a follow up to http://news.emory.edu/stories/2016/09/er_duc_interim_dining_facility/campus.html. Opening in summer of 2017, the DUC-ling staff has served a year’s worth of meals … Continue Reading →

Earth Month Recycling Day at Emory Point
By Kristen Kaufman | May 27, 2018 On April 18th, members of the Clifton Corridor community convened at Emory Point to celebrate Earth Month with a recycling event. Earth Month … Continue Reading →

Staff Fest – Zero Landfill Waste Event
Help with Zero Landfill Waste efforts by signing up to participate in Staff Fest on May 18th as a Zero Waste Volunteer! We appreciate your help as an engaged member of the Emory community.

Commencement – Zero Landfill Waste Event
Help with Zero Landfill Waste efforts by signing up to participate in Commencement on May 14th as a Zero Waste Volunteer! We appreciate your help as an engaged member of the Emory community.