August is Sustainability in the Curriculum Month!

Integrating sustainability-related courses into the academic realm has been a priority for Emory for years. In 2017, 60.61% of departments offered sustainability-related courses. With sustainability integrated into the undergraduate and graduate student curricula, campus becomes a living laboratory where students connect knowledge gained in the classroom to actively advancing sustainability on campus and in the broader community.

Emory Election


The Emory Alumni Association and the Barkley Forum for Debate, Deliberation, and Dialogue will be hosting a series of conversations the day after each of the Presidential (and one Vice Presidential) campaign debates. The panel will be made up of Emory alumni and students with unique perspectives of the election process, and the discussion will … Continue Reading →

ENVS Fall Seminar Series

"Fisheries Management Research: Cultural Brokerage between Fishing Communities, Regulators, and Academics” Tracy Yandle,Associate Professor, ENVS Zoom link/password: 517847  

ECAST: Climate 101 Series


Join ECAST on Zoom in the Earth's Early Climate & its Impact on Modern Climate Discussion with Dr. Justin Burton Zoom Meeting ID: 998 2260 0820

ENVS Fall Seminar Series

"Learning about our Georgia Coast through Research and Outreach" Tony Martin,Professor of Pedagogy,ENVS Zoom link/password: 398555

CDC Climate and Health Virtual Symposium


The Climate and Health Program at The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will host a series of climate and health webinars over the next several months. This webinar series was originally planned to be held as an in-person symposium in March 2020. The webinars will highlight the pressing need for greater scientific and … Continue Reading →