August is Sustainability in the Curriculum Month!

Integrating sustainability-related courses into the academic realm has been a priority for Emory for years. In 2017, 60.61% of departments offered sustainability-related courses. With sustainability integrated into the undergraduate and graduate student curricula, campus becomes a living laboratory where students connect knowledge gained in the classroom to actively advancing sustainability on campus and in the broader community.

Chemical Hazards During COVID-19: Disinfectants, Cleaning Chemicals and Tear Gas (Live webinar)

This webinar is co-sponsored by the Region IV Public Health Training Center, Alabama Fire College Workplace Safety Training Program, and the Deep South Biosafety Worker Training Program. The COVID-19 Pandemic has created numerous challenges to EMS and Healthcare Providers including responding and managing injuries from exposures to cleaning chemicals and disinfectants by patients who are … Continue Reading →

Addressing Racial HIV Disparities Using PrEP Among Young Adults: Considerations for Practice (Live webinar)

This is an event sponsored by the Region IV Public Health Training Center. African Americans are disproportionately affected by HIV. Reducing HIV rates among African American young adults may produce the most meaningful impact in addressing the HIV epidemic in the US. Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), a medication regimen to reduce risk of HIV infection, is … Continue Reading →

Equitable Dinners: Lift Every Voice Series

Equitable Dinners: Lift Every Voice is a series of online conversations, featuring guest speakers on a range of topics, and launched by a short play. Equitable Dinners: Lift Every Voice will take place one Sunday a month from 5 to 7:00 PM EST through September. Please join us July 19, as we talk frankly about … Continue Reading →

Emory Climate Talk

Seminar: “In Pursuit of Equity, Efficiency, & Environmental Progress” Mandy Mahoney serves as the president of the Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance. Prior to joining SEEA in 2011, Mandy served as Director of Sustainability for the City of Atlanta under Mayors Reed and Franklin. Mandy serves on the Advisory Board of the Turner Environmental Law Clinic at … Continue Reading →

Civics 101: Why Should I Care About & Complete the Census?

Join The Center for a virtual happy hour as we break down information about the history of the census, what the purpose of the census is, and why completing the census is incredibly important—especially in marginalized communities. Learn more about the completion of the census for undocumented communities and address the myths and realities of … Continue Reading →

Emory Climate Talk

Discussion on Sustainable Building and Virtual Tour of the Kendeda Building Shan Arora is the Director of The Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design at the Georgia Institute of Technology. The Kendeda Building is a multi-disciplinary, non-departmental education building. It is pursuing the Living Building Challenge – the world’s most ambitious building performance standard. As … Continue Reading →

Emory Climate Talk

Seminar: Cool Climate Chat As a Principal Consultant at Southface Institute, Jeff works on BIT Building, a program designed for facility operators to guide them in the  implementation of performance improvements including energy efficiency; and EarthCraft, which provides training to builders, realtors and property managers that will enable the construction of properties that use 30% less energy. Zoom Link/Password: … Continue Reading →

Civics 101: How to Fight Back Against Voter Suppression

Join The Center for a discussion on voter suppression in the United States. Dr. Carol Anderson, a representative from Black Voters Matters and one of the politicians who voted against the dismantling of the Voting Rights Act will discuss the dismantling of the Voting Rights Act and what steps citizens can take to ensure that … Continue Reading →