August is Sustainability in the Curriculum Month!

Integrating sustainability-related courses into the academic realm has been a priority for Emory for years. In 2017, 60.61% of departments offered sustainability-related courses. With sustainability integrated into the undergraduate and graduate student curricula, campus becomes a living laboratory where students connect knowledge gained in the classroom to actively advancing sustainability on campus and in the broader community.

Sustainable Food Fair


In the Spring of 2007, Professor Peggy Barlett created a new anthropology course called “Fast Food/Slow Food” that introduced undergraduates to the issues of sustainable food systems and was the … Continue Reading →


Emory Farmers Market

McDonough Plaza

Through a weekly gathering of farms, restaurants, small-scale artisanal businesses, and Emory community members, the Emory Farmers Market fosters education and personal relationships through food. Community members have the opportunity … Continue Reading →


Emory Farmers Market

McDonough Plaza

Through a weekly gathering of farms, restaurants, small-scale artisanal businesses, and Emory community members, the Emory Farmers Market fosters education and personal relationships through food. Community members have the opportunity … Continue Reading →


Emory Farmers Market

McDonough Plaza

Through a weekly gathering of farms, restaurants, small-scale artisanal businesses, and Emory community members, the Emory Farmers Market fosters education and personal relationships through food. Community members have the opportunity … Continue Reading →


Emory Farmers Market

McDonough Plaza

Through a weekly gathering of farms, restaurants, small-scale artisanal businesses, and Emory community members, the Emory Farmers Market fosters education and personal relationships through food. Community members have the opportunity … Continue Reading →


Emory Farmers Market

McDonough Plaza

Through a weekly gathering of farms, restaurants, small-scale artisanal businesses, and Emory community members, the Emory Farmers Market fosters education and personal relationships through food. Community members have the opportunity … Continue Reading →


Depot Garden Workday

Depot Garden

Here is the Schedule for this semester's open workdays for our gardens. I hope to see all of you out there!