January is Wellbeing Awareness Month!

Start the new year by focusing on your health and happiness. Emory is committed to creating a healthy community in which members have access to recreational, nutritional, and self care resources, feel a sense of connection to this space, are treated equitably, and are engaged in projects that lead to sustainable development in the greater Atlanta region.

Georgia Climate Conference: Call for Posters!

The Georgia Department of Natural Resources Coastal Resources Division will host the 2021 Georgia Climate Conference on Jekyll Island, Georgia, August 12 - 13, 2021. The conference will include concurrent sessions, a poster social, two keynote luncheons, continuing education … Continue Reading →


Emory Farmers Market

Stop by McDonough Plaza, the greenspace between McDonough Field, the Emory Student Center and the WoodPEC, for the weekly Tuesday Emory Farmers Market! Between 11:00 am and 1:30 pm, you … Continue Reading →