March is Climate Awareness Month!

Emory, in alignment with the IPCC special report, commits to reducing carbon emissions 45% by 2030 and reaching net zero emissions by 2050. Emory will work toward these goals by implementing climate solutions in Emory’s operations, policy, outreach and education, and community engagement work.

Xenophobia in America


  The United States is known as a nation of immigrants. But as award-winning author and historian Erika Lee will discuss in our next colloquium, the US is also a … Continue Reading →

Marvelous Monday: Jasmine Burton

Virtual Discussion

Join The Atlanta RCE Network  on Monday, February 22nd at 3pm! Their special guest, Ms. Jasmine Burton, from Wish to Wash, will talk about innovation in sanitation and hygiene in … Continue Reading →

Marvelous Monday: Bernie Burgener

Virtual Event

Join RCE Greater Atlanta March 22nd at 3pm to hear our special guest, Bernie Burgener, talk about the status of sustainable development in Atlanta.  Mr. Burgener will also discuss how … Continue Reading →