October is Energy Awareness Month!
In Georgia, our lives are largely powered by non-renewable fossil fuels, such as coal and natural gas. Because of the public health and climate impacts of fossil fuel use, Emory’s 2025 Sustainability Vision focuses on energy efficiency and the increased use of renewable energy to mitigate climate change and improve air quality.
Virtual Seminar via Zoom
Humbolt’s Proto-Ecological Thinking
Virtual Seminar via ZoomAlexander von Humboldt (1769-1859) was one of the most important scientific and humanist thinkers of the nineteenth century, with foresights that resonate in many current environmental debates. In accordance with his understanding of nature as spatial, dynamic, and fluid, Humboldt did not limit himself to one single subject matter but worked in fields labeled today … Continue Reading →
History For Black Lives
Virtual Seminar via ZoomJoin the African American Studies Department for a webinar on policing and the criminal justice system in the United States.