December is Conscious Consumer Month!

Every purchase you make has consequences. Before purchasing new items, consider if you really need them, or if you can reuse products you already have.  If you have to purchase new, do your research to look beyond the label at the sourcing of ingredients and the labor and the communities behind the product.


Educational Gardens Workday: Clairmont Garden

Clairmont Campus 1945 Starvine Way, Decatur, GA, United States

What’s the best break from classes and work? Gardening! This semester is the perfect opportunity to work with the Emory Education Garden Project’s seven garden plots! Meet up with other members of the Emory community and Erik Edwards, the Educational Gardens Coordinator, for some light gardening, and take home your own harvest of veggies! Tools … Continue Reading →


Educational Gardens Workday: Clairmont

Clairmont Campus 1945 Starvine Way, Decatur, GA, United States

These days and times will be in place until the end of the summer. If you know anyone still interested in getting involved with the gardens, then please direct them to so that we can get everyone gardening!

OSI at the Clairmont Welcome Back BBQ

Clairmont Campus 1945 Starvine Way, Decatur, GA, United States

The Office of Sustainability Initiatives will have an educational table at the Welcome Back BBQ on Clairmont campus to educate students about programs and initiatives.


Clairmont Educational Garden

Clairmont Campus 1945 Starvine Way, Decatur, GA, United States

Come volunteer in the Clairmont Educational Garden (located on Clairmont campus) to cultivate food and community on Emory’s campus! The Educational Gardens on campus are maintained by teams of Emory community members and are located all over campus. Anyone is welcome to volunteer, and no experience is necessary. If you would like to join a team … Continue Reading →


Clairmont Educational Garden

Clairmont Campus 1945 Starvine Way, Decatur, GA, United States

Tomatoes, lettuces, peas, beans, greens, eggplant, broccoli, strawberries, and even cotton are grown in Emory’s Educational Gardens. The gardens have become islands of beauty, education and food that is used in dining and hospital operations. The Educational Gardens on campus are maintained by teams and welcome volunteer workers. If you would like to join a team … Continue Reading →