February is Water Awareness Month!

Atlanta is one of the largest municipalities on one of the smallest watersheds in the nation. We are a region of droughts and floods, coupled with old sewer infrastructure and high water rates. Going forward, efforts to use water more consciously will require commitment from students, faculty, staff, visitors and others – and that commitment will make a difference locally for years to come.

Earth Week Sculpture Project

Calling all Emory artists! Plastic Free Emory is super excited to work on a collaborative Earth Day sculpture with the Emory student body! They are creating this plastic waste sculpture … Continue Reading →


Clairmont Garden Workday

Hello Gardeners! Here is the schedule for this semester's open workdays for Emory's Educational Gardens. We hope to see all of you out there!  


Theology Garden Workday

Theology Garden

Hello Gardeners! Here is the schedule for this semester's open workdays for Emory's Educational Gardens. We hope to see all of you out there!

Earth Day Forest Restoration

Join the Office of Sustainability Initiatives, @volunteeremory, and @emoryecologicalsociety for a service project on the day before Earth Day! We’ll meet in front of the Carlos Museum, then walk behind the museum … Continue Reading →


Depot Garden Workday

Depot Garden

Here is the Schedule for this semester's open workdays for our gardens. I hope to see all of you out there!


Rollins Garden Workday

Rollins Garden

Here is the Schedule for this semester's open workdays for our gardens. I hope to see all of you out there!  


WoodPEC Garden Workday

WoodPEC Garden

Here is the Schedule for this semester's open workdays for our gardens. I hope to see all of you out there!  


Cox Garden Workday

Hello Gardeners! Here is the schedule for this semester's open workdays for Emory's Educational Gardens. We hope to see all of you out there!