Emory's Waste Reduction & Diversion Month
Throughout November, OSI will be highlighting ways to reduce and divert waste from area landfills. By reducing waste, recycling and composting at Emory, we reduce greenhouse gas emissions from landfills, enhance environmental justice by reducing the negative effects of landfills on already marginalized populations, and decrease habitat loss and animal displacement due to landfills. Learn more here.
Equitable Dinners: Lift Every Voice Anti-Racism and Black Men’s Health
Virtual DiscussionIn light of Covid-19 and its disparate effects on communities of color, conversations about race and equity are more necessary than ever. Join the next Equitable Dinners: Lift Every Voice … Continue Reading →
Giving Voice: The Rest of His Story with Dr. Marion Hood
Virtual EventIn 1959, Dr. Marion G. Hood applied to Emory School of Medicine, but was denied consideration for admission due to his race during a painful time of segregation in this … Continue Reading →
Educational Gardens Workday: School of Medicine
School of Medicine GardenThese days and times will be in place until the end of the summer. If you know anyone still interested in getting involved with the gardens, then please direct them to … Continue Reading →
Educational Gardens Workday: Rollins
Rollins GardenThese days and times will be in place until the end of the summer. If you know anyone still interested in getting involved with the gardens, then please direct them to … Continue Reading →
Educational Gardens Project: Cox
Cox Hall Bridge 569 Asbury Circle, Atlanta, AtlantaThese days and times will be in place until the end of the summer. If you know anyone still interested in getting involved with the gardens, then please direct them to … Continue Reading →
Educational Gardens Workday: WoodPEC
Woodruff PE CenterThese days and times will be in place until the end of the summer. If you know anyone still interested in getting involved with the gardens, then please direct them to … Continue Reading →
“Achieving Equitable Development for Communities” – EPA Environmental Justice Webinar
Virtual EventMembers of the Emory community are invited to to attend the second in a series of five virtual environmental justice webinars on Thursday, June 24, 2021, from 6:00 - 8:30 pm EST. The topic … Continue Reading →
Educational Gardens Workday: Clairmont
Clairmont Campus 1945 Starvine Way, Decatur, GA, United StatesThese days and times will be in place until the end of the summer. If you know anyone still interested in getting involved with the gardens, then please direct them to … Continue Reading →
Georgia Climate Project’s June Webinar
Virtual EventGeorgia’s climate is changing threatening the state's essential water, energy, and transportation infrastructure. In the years to come, investment in innovative resiliency efforts will ensure a just future for all … Continue Reading →