May is Bike Month!

Established by the League of American Bicyclists in 1956, National Bike Month is a chance to showcase the many benefits of bicycling, including its positive effects on physical, mental, and environmental health. Learn more about biking at Emory to start enjoying these benefits. 


Educational Gardens Workday: WoodPEC

Woodruff PE Center

These days and times will be in place until the end of the summer. If you know anyone still interested in getting involved with the gardens, then please direct them to so that we can get everyone gardening!

“Achieving Equitable Development for Communities” – EPA Environmental Justice Webinar

Virtual Event

Members of the Emory community are invited to to attend the second in a series of five virtual environmental justice webinars on Thursday, June 24, 2021, from 6:00 - 8:30 pm EST. The topic is, “Achieving Equitable Development for Communities.” This webinar is unique in that it will have presenters from community-based organizations, non-profits, academia, and private/public sectors who … Continue Reading →


Educational Gardens Workday: Clairmont

Clairmont Campus 1945 Starvine Way, Decatur, GA, United States

These days and times will be in place until the end of the summer. If you know anyone still interested in getting involved with the gardens, then please direct them to so that we can get everyone gardening!

Georgia Climate Project’s June Webinar

Virtual Event

Georgia’s climate is changing threatening the state's essential water, energy, and transportation infrastructure. In the years to come, investment in innovative resiliency efforts will ensure a just future for all Georgians. Stay tuned for Georgia Climate Project's upcoming June webinar, 'What does a changing climate mean for Georgia's infrastructure?' that will be held Wednesday, June … Continue Reading →

Call for submissions: Agnes Scott College’s 2nd Annual Women’s Global Leadership Conference

Online Application

Agnes Scott College’s second annual Women’s Global Leadership Conference, "Building A Better World: Women and Climate Justice" will take place September 23 - 25, 2021. The conference will create the opportunity for internationally recognized scholars, community activists, political leaders, and private sector experts to engage in intentional conversations, form innovative partnerships for addressing climate injustice, … Continue Reading →


Educational Gardens Workday: Theology

Candler School of Theology 1531 Dickey Dr, Atlanta, GA, United States

These days and times will be in place until the end of the summer. If you know anyone still interested in getting involved with the gardens, then please direct them to so that we can get everyone gardening!

Emory Climate Talks: “Specialty Chemicals: Sustainability Perspective from the Middle of the Value-Chain.”

Join Emory Climate Talks at noon on August 18th, 2021, for a conversation about "Specialty Chemicals: Sustainability Perspectives from the Middle of the Value-Chain" with Dr. Jason Keiper, Chief Technology & Sustainability Officer at Stepan Company. Jason is responsible for Stepan’s global R&D teams and Sustainability program. He joined Stepan Company in 2001 as a research chemist, … Continue Reading →