March is Climate Awareness Month!

Emory, in alignment with the IPCC special report, commits to reducing carbon emissions 45% by 2030 and reaching net zero emissions by 2050. Emory will work toward these goals by implementing climate solutions in Emory’s operations, policy, outreach and education, and community engagement work.


Depot Garden Workday

Depot Garden

Here is the Schedule for this semester's open workdays for our gardens. I hope to see all of you out there!


Rollins Garden Workday

Rollins Garden

Here is the Schedule for this semester's open workdays for our gardens. I hope to see all of you out there!  


WoodPEC Garden Workday

WoodPEC Garden

Here is the Schedule for this semester's open workdays for our gardens. I hope to see all of you out there!  


Cox Garden Workday

Hello Gardeners! Here is the schedule for this semester's open workdays for Emory's Educational Gardens. We hope to see all of you out there!  


Clairmont Garden Workday

Hello Gardeners! Here is the schedule for this semester's open workdays for Emory's Educational Gardens. We hope to see all of you out there!  


Theology Garden Workday

Theology Garden

Hello Gardeners! Here is the schedule for this semester's open workdays for Emory's Educational Gardens. We hope to see all of you out there!

Emory Farmers Market

McDonough Plaza

Through a weekly gathering of farms, restaurants, small-scale artisanal businesses, and Emory community members, the Emory Farmers Market fosters education and personal relationships through food. Community members have the opportunity to engage with small-scale producers and support the local economy, contributing to a more robust and sustainable food system while enjoying delicious, local food. Our … Continue Reading →

Emory Farmers Market

McDonough Plaza

Through a weekly gathering of farms, restaurants, small-scale artisanal businesses, and Emory community members, the Emory Farmers Market fosters education and personal relationships through food. Community members have the opportunity to engage with small-scale producers and support the local economy, contributing to a more robust and sustainable food system while enjoying delicious, local food. Our … Continue Reading →

Plastic Earth Documentary Screening @ Science Gallery Atlanta

Science Gallery Theatre Presents: Plastic Earth Friday, July 12, 2024 6:00 PM-10:00 PM Science Gallery Atlanta, 225 Rogers Street Northeast Atlanta, GA, 30317 United States (map) "Plastic Earth" is a groundbreaking documentary that explores the urgent need to address the global plastic crisis. With plastic production from fossil-based sources on the rise, the world is facing … Continue Reading →