July is Climate Justice and Environmental Justice July!

From the placement of landfills to the impacts of extreme weather events, it is apparent that climate change and other environmental issues disproportionately and unjustly affect communities of color and low-income neighborhoods, worsening existing health disparities and overall wellness and wealth-building. We challenge our sustainability network to educate ourselves on the importance of climate justice and environmental justice and how we can all further these movements.


Oxford Farm Spring CSA Delivery

The Oxford College Organic Farm Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) membership program provides: Fresh, certified organic produce grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers A wide variety of in-season food grown at the Oxford College farm, including unique varieties and heirloom vegetables Newsletter featuring garden updates and farmer musings, with recipe suggestions and advice on … Continue Reading →

SDG Training Module Showcase

RSVP here: https://tinyurl.com/SDGshowcaseRSVP Join us for a virtual showcase celebrating the launch of the SDG Online Training Modules. There will be presentations from the SDG Fellows and partners featured in the modules. A link to the virtual showcase (using BlueJeans software) will be sent out to the email you RSVP with. Please RSVP by Monday … Continue Reading →

Presidential and Local Primary Election Day in Georgia

Georgia has postponed its presidential primary election to June 9. That date was already scheduled for state and local primary races, including the race for one U.S. Senate seat. If you already voted in the presidential primary in March, that vote counts, and you will need to vote again for the remaining May races. If you did … Continue Reading →

Emory Explores: Become an Effective Ally

Do you want to do something and say something to show that you support people of color and marginalized communities but you are unsure what to do or say? Join us in a conversation to discuss actionable ways we can come together as allies to defend, protect, and lift up marginalized communities. Let’s talk about … Continue Reading →

Observing Juneteenth: The Conversation Continues

Join us for “Observing Juneteenth: The Conversation Continues,” featuring Dr. Walter Rucker, Professor of African American Studies and History in the Department of African American Studies at Emory University, and Dr. Carol E. Henderson, Vice Provost for Diversity and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer of Emory University. Dr. Rucker is the author of The River … Continue Reading →

Atlanta Metro Chamber’s E3 Awards Applications Due

The 2020 applications for Atlanta Metro Chamber's E3 Awards are due on June 30th. Applicants should be companies, projects, organizations, and individuals who are innovating in the following areas: • Efficient building design, smart growth or urban planning • Sustainable solutions in clean tech sectors • Promoting collaboration, community involvement or education toward making Atlanta … Continue Reading →