March is Climate Awareness Month!

Emory, in alignment with the IPCC special report, commits to reducing carbon emissions 45% by 2030 and reaching net zero emissions by 2050. Emory will work toward these goals by implementing climate solutions in Emory’s operations, policy, outreach and education, and community engagement work.


WaterHub Tour

WaterHub at Emory University 700 Peavine Creek Drive, Atlanta, GA, United States

The WaterHub at Emory University is an award-winning water reclamation facility that is the first of its kind in the nation. All public tours of the facility are led by trained Emory undergraduate and graduate students. Sign up for this tour here.


WaterHub Tour

WaterHub at Emory University 700 Peavine Creek Drive, Atlanta, GA, United States

The WaterHub at Emory University is an award-winning water reclamation facility that is the first of its kind in the nation. All public tours of the facility are led by trained Emory undergraduate and graduate students. Sign up for this tour here.

Weigh the Waste Campaign

Dobbs Common Table

Where: Dobbs Common Table (in the Emory Student Center) What: One week of weighing all the waste produced during lunch time at the DCT! Why: There are many reasons for us to be more aware of how much food we throw away: When food is thrown away, all the energy it took to produce, transport, … Continue Reading →

Weigh the Waste Campaign

Dobbs Common Table

Where: Dobbs Common Table (in the Emory Student Center) What: One week of weighing all the waste produced during lunch time at the DCT! Why: There are many reasons for us to be more aware of how much food we throw away: When food is thrown away, all the energy it took to produce, transport, … Continue Reading →

Weigh the Waste Campaign

Dobbs Common Table

Where: Dobbs Common Table (in the Emory Student Center) What: One week of weighing all the waste produced during lunch time at the DCT! Why: There are many reasons for us to be more aware of how much food we throw away: When food is thrown away, all the energy it took to produce, transport, … Continue Reading →