June is Pollinator Protection Month!

In 2014, Emory University became the first campus in the nation to adopt a comprehensive pollinator protection plan, which bans the use of neonicotinoids – a group of pesticides contributing to decline in pollinator species. To celebrate Pollinator Protection Month, learn how to plant home gardens that support pollinators rather than unintentionally harm them.

Just Energy Summit

Please join the Partnership for Southern Equity to build “Power for the People” at the virtual 2020 Just Energy Summit from September 28 - October 2! Partnership for Southern Equity, Just Energy Circle members and regional partners have worked hard to create a dynamic, inclusive event that builds power between communities, organizers, and advocates mobilizing against environmental injustices … Continue Reading →

UN RCE Greater Atlanta Marvelous Monday with Suzanne Burnes

Are you tired of hearing bad news? Do you want some good news about what is happening across the region and in the RCE? Join the RCE Greater Atlanta Monday, September 28th, at 3pm! Our special guest, Ms. Suzanne Burnes, will use the UN Sustainable Development goals as a framework to highlight exciting work that … Continue Reading →

RCE 2nd Global Webinar

Virtual Event

Registrations Closing Soon: 2nd RCE Global Webinar 8 June, 2021, 8:00-10:00am GMT (Photo credit: The University of Edinburgh) Don't forget to sign up for the upcoming 2nd RCE Global Webinar, 'Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: action through learning in a time of global crises'. Hosted by RCE Scotland and the Global RCE Service Centre, this … Continue Reading →