June is Pollinator Protection Month!

In 2014, Emory University became the first campus in the nation to adopt a comprehensive pollinator protection plan, which bans the use of neonicotinoids – a group of pesticides contributing to decline in pollinator species. To celebrate Pollinator Protection Month, learn how to plant home gardens that support pollinators rather than unintentionally harm them.

Emory Community Conversation

Digital Conversation via Zoom

Dr. Valerie Babb and Dr. Jessica Lynn Stewart will lead us in a conversation on the construction of race, the difficulties individuals experience with Black versus African American, intraracial dynamics, and the many … Continue Reading →

Xenophobia in America


  The United States is known as a nation of immigrants. But as award-winning author and historian Erika Lee will discuss in our next colloquium, the US is also a … Continue Reading →