October is Energy Awareness Month!

In Georgia, our lives are largely powered by non-renewable fossil fuels, such as coal and natural gas. Because of the public health and climate impacts of fossil fuel use, Emory’s 2025 Sustainability Vision focuses on energy efficiency and the increased use of renewable energy to mitigate climate change and improve air quality.

Virtual Earth Month – re:loom Feature

As a part of Emory's #VirtualEarthMonth, we are highlighting organizations who were planning to participate in Emory's on-campus Earth Festival this year. Learn more about these #EarthMonthLeaders throughout April. First, we want to feature a long-time partner, re:loom - a program of the Initiative for Affordable Housing (IAH), a nonprofit organization in Decatur, Georgia. Founded in 1990 with … Continue Reading →

COVID-19: Biodiversity and the spread of disease webinar – Dr. Thomas Gillsepie

From the quarantined desk of Landscape News comes a new series of live interviews with experts examining the linkages between COVID-19 and climate change. On World Health Day 2020, Landscape News editor Gabrielle Lipton will guide a conversation between head of the Gillespie Lab and Emory University associate professor Thomas Gillespie and University College London professor Kate Jones. The discussion will focus on the … Continue Reading →

Georgia Climate Solutions Webinar

The Georgia Drawdown Team is hosting a webinar featuring State Leaders discussing Climate Solutions for Georgia. Reserve your space in the webinar to interact with: Tim Echols, Vice-Chairman, Georgia Public Service Commission Nathaniel Smith, Partnership for Southern Equity Shane Totten, Southface Institute Neela Ram, City of Atlanta Dr. Kim Cobb, Director, Georgia Tech Dr. Marilyn Brown, … Continue Reading →

Virtual Earth Month – Chance to Share Your Voice (Updated!)

Last month, an updated proposal to mine for titanium on 898 acres next to the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge was submitted to the Army Corps of Engineers for review. The Okefenokee is the largest blackwater swamp in North America and is the home to many of Georgia’s wildlife and plant species. Update! U.S. Army Corps of Engineers … Continue Reading →

Virtual Earth Month – Science for Georgia, Inc. Feature

As a part of Emory's #virtualearthmonth, we are highlighting organizations who were planning to participate in Emory's on-campus Earth Festival this year. Learn more about these #earthmonthleaders throughout April. Science for Georgia, Inc.'s mission is to improve communication between scientists and the public, to increase public engagement with science, and to advocate for the responsible use of science … Continue Reading →

Virtual Earth Month – Sustainable Self-Care

Getting that #fridayfeeling for some self-care this weekend? Ever wondered if your self-care routine is sustainable? Many of our personal care and cleaning products ultimately end up in our water system or in landfill waste. Help keep your routine environmentally friendly by avoiding self-care products with microbeads, harsh chemicals, or excessive plastic packaging. The Environmental Working Group verifies home and … Continue Reading →

Virtual Earth Month – National Pet Day

Happy #NationalPetDay! As you celebrate your furry family, consider these quick tips to help shrink your pet's carbon paw-print this #VirtualEarthMonth! #AtHomeActivism #EarthDayEveryDay

Virtual Earth Month – EarthShare Georgia Feature

As a part of Emory's #virtualearthmonth, we are highlighting organizations who were planning to participate in Emory's on-campus Earth Festival this year. Learn more about these #earthmonthleaders throughout April. EarthShare Georgia connects people to trusted non-profit organizations dedicated to conserving and protecting our air, land and water. EarthShare Georgia raises funds primarily through workplace-giving partnerships with more … Continue Reading →