July is Climate Justice and Environmental Justice July!

From the placement of landfills to the impacts of extreme weather events, it is apparent that climate change and other environmental issues disproportionately and unjustly affect communities of color and low-income neighborhoods, worsening existing health disparities and overall wellness and wealth-building. We challenge our sustainability network to educate ourselves on the importance of climate justice and environmental justice and how we can all further these movements.

Weigh the Waste Campaign

Dobbs Common Table

Where: Dobbs Common Table (in the Emory Student Center) What: One week of weighing all the waste produced during lunch time at the DCT! Why: There are many reasons for us to be more aware of how much food we throw away: When food is thrown away, all the energy it took to produce, transport, … Continue Reading →

Weigh the Waste Campaign

Dobbs Common Table

Where: Dobbs Common Table (in the Emory Student Center) What: One week of weighing all the waste produced during lunch time at the DCT! Why: There are many reasons for us to be more aware of how much food we throw away: When food is thrown away, all the energy it took to produce, transport, … Continue Reading →

Weigh the Waste Campaign

Dobbs Common Table

Where: Dobbs Common Table (in the Emory Student Center) What: One week of weighing all the waste produced during lunch time at the DCT! Why: There are many reasons for us to be more aware of how much food we throw away: When food is thrown away, all the energy it took to produce, transport, … Continue Reading →