March is Climate Awareness Month!

Emory, in alignment with the IPCC special report, commits to reducing carbon emissions 45% by 2030 and reaching net zero emissions by 2050. Emory will work toward these goals by implementing climate solutions in Emory’s operations, policy, outreach and education, and community engagement work.

Rollins Educational Garden Volunteer Days

Rollins School of Public Health 1518 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA, United States

Come and garden with us! Open to all students, faculty and staff. To get more involved with Emory’s Educational Gardens, contact Lauren Ladov.


Eagle Row Educational Garden Volunteer Days

Eagle Row Atlanta, GA, United States

Come and garden with us! Open to all students, faculty and staff. No experience necessary. To get more involved with Emory’s Educational Gardens, contact Lauren Ladov.


Kaldi’s Depot Educational Garden Volunteer Days

Kaldi's Depot 1 Eagle Row, Atlanta, GA, United States

Come and garden with us! Open to all students, faculty and staff. No experience necessary. To get more involved with Emory’s Educational Gardens, contact Lauren Ladov.


Rollins Educational Garden Volunteer Days

Rollins School of Public Health 1518 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA, United States

Come and garden with us! Open to all students, faculty and staff. No experience necessary. To get more involved with Emory’s Educational Gardens, contact Lauren Ladov.