“[During the Emory Freezer Challenge,] we definitely learned more about not only how to be more efficient with our cold storage units, but became more aware of other areas we … Continue Reading →

“[During the Emory Freezer Challenge,] we definitely learned more about not only how to be more efficient with our cold storage units, but became more aware of other areas we … Continue Reading →
“It’s good to know exact quantities of CO2 generated by using the fridge, it helps to visualize the impact of our activities better.”
“[The Freezer Challenge] brought awareness to the fact that we need to defrost and organize our refrigerator more efficiently in order to maintain sustainable lab practices, as well [as] help … Continue Reading →
“We are thankful to have participated in the [Emory Freezer Challenge] and we are continuing the practices from the challenge in our lab everyday.”
“The Freezer Challenge Pilot Study also gave us a chance to see how raising our -80C freezer by just 10 degrees can make such a significant (and positive) difference.”
Green Labs at Emory is a voluntary, collaborative effort between the University’s Office of Sustainability Initiatives, Environmental Health and Safety Office, Campus Services and Office of Procurement. Beginning as a … Continue Reading →
Emory’s national work on laboratory sustainability Emory is a member of the International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories (I2SL) University Alliance working group and co-chairs an I2SL Landfill Diversion working group. … Continue Reading →